
Medieval Crafts

Armour Archive Patterns

Bellatrix Fighting School
Detailed fighting manual written by one of the SCA’s legendary fighters, Duke Bellatrix.

Documentation is not an Obituary
How to prepare documentation for Arts & Sciences competitions.

A compendium of knowledge covering many SCA crafts and activities.

SCA Name & Heraldry Registration

Scents of the Middle Ages
Recipes and uses for herb aromas as incense, insect repellent, oils, soaps, and more.

Medieval Pavilions
How to design, construct, and maintain a medieval tent for camping.

Waxed Tablets and Stylus


Medieval Recipes

A Miscellany
A book compiled by SCA members with Part 1 featuring medieval recipes and how to prepare a feast, and Part 2 covering other SCA activities like camping, fighting, and creating a persona.

Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook
13th century Arabic cooking translated into English.

Buttered Beer (1558)

Food Timeline
Is rum period? How about horseradish? Are marshmallows? This timeline shows when foods first appeared, along with period recipes.

Gode Cookery
Period recipes from original sources with modern English translations.

Medieval Cheese Forum
Information about making cheese throughout history.


Medieval Cookery
Documents the original recipe and a modern version with actual measurements. Includes country and century of origin. Bottom of the page allows searching by category (such as vegetarian).


Medieval Research

Dancing Master
An illustrated compendium of medieval English dances.

Footwear of the Middle Ages
History and design of European shoes from 700 – 1600.

Looking for the Evidence
Lists of finds at Viking and some European archaeological dig sites. Use the links on the left side of the page.

Medieval Histories
Current research and articles related to Medieval history research. Scroll down on the homepage to subscribe to the newsletter.

Paper Thin Personas
A series of paper dolls in historical dress, including documentation. Provides an overview of what garb looked like for a particular century.

Rosalie’s Medieval Woman

All aspects of a Medieval woman’s life, including this page on period dyes.

SCA Persona Sheets
Pick your period of interest and the sheet will give you names, clothing, foods, etc, as well as a rough overview of some historical highlights and important people of the time.

Viking Answer Lady
Norse history, daily life, and other Norse resources.


Medieval Retailers

Local Retailers

Dartmouth Metals (Dartmouth)
The best local prices for scrap metal that we’ve found so far. If you’re looking for brass or copper for helmet trim, etc, start here.

Metals ‘R’ Us (Dartmouth)
The best local prices we know of on mild steel sheet metal for armouring.

Tandy Leather (Halifax)
Leather-working tools and supplies as well as a good range of leathers and furs. Their prices tend to be a bit steep, but you may get the Gold discount if you tell them you’re in the SCA.

Soapstone Nova Scotia (Melvern Square)
Soapstone is soft enough to carve by hand; the Norse used it for everything from game pieces to pots. It also is excellent for casting molds.

Classic Hobbies (Middleton)
Has a very good selection of beads, buttons, and jewellery findings.

Ross Farm Museum (New Ross)
The shop at Ross Farm Museum has handmade wooden barrels and wooden buckets.


Online Retailers

All Best Stuff
Good prices on chain mail (including riveted) and gambesons. They also have Medieval shoes for good prices. Watch for the gauge on armour: some are not thick enough for SCA combat.

Billy and Charlie’s
If your persona went on a pilgrimage, they would have purchased a small lead or tin “pilgrimage badge” and sewn it to their hat, cloak, or affixed it to their walking staff. Billy and Charlie’s has a wide selection of carefully-researched replica pilgrimage badges.

Calontir Trim
A fantastic selection of trim. Trim for SCA heraldry, SCA officers, and various kingdoms (including West).

Celtic WebMerchant
A huge selection of medieval items.

Assorted Norse items.

Historic Enterprises

Replica medieval items.

Munitions Grade Arms llc (Master Eirik)
Rattan and other SCA combat supplies.

Raymond’s Quiet Press
Museum-quality replicas from all sorts of periods and cultures, plus SCA-specific items like Laurel medallions.

Reannag Teine
Historically-based clay work for all your decorated feast gear needs, from Norse tumblers to Italian plates. Gorgeous!

Reconstructing History
A variety of medieval garb patterns. Packages can be bought with patterns for complete period outfits, as well as for single items such as doublets.

Historical fabric retailer who often comes out to Pennsic. You can even have them custom-weave a silk pattern.

SCA merchant selling a few 100% linen clothes, metal-look cast rubber pommels and cross-guards for SCA rattan swords, and a lot of cast pewter items including buckles, buttons, and pilgrim badges.

Trim Goddess
This Etsy retailer has a lot of woven and jacquard trim, including Celtic knotwork.

Viking Shield
Replica Viking items from the Viking Age.

Zen Warrior Armory
Weapons, fencing armour, and fencing protection equipment for both heavy and light weapon fighters. All equipment is generally SCA legal, but make sure to check with a marshal due to differing kingdom rules.